Searching For Creativity

Archive for the ‘Etsy’ Category

Pictures: Part of my fabric stash.  Photo credits belong to my very helpful assistant Olivia.  Then my already messy brand new craft table that C found for me FOR FREE! Much better than the previous cardboard table.

Outside:  Very cold.  Little bits of snow on the ground.  I’m ready for spring!  And more sunlight.

In My Kitchen: Mainly just been baking lots of bread.  Most recently a Pumpkin Brioche from Healthy Bread if 5 Minutes a Day. I used it to make a crescent roll.  I have to admit that the shape was the only thing like a crescent roll.  Way too healthy. 🙂  It baked up much better as a loaf today.  Tomorrow– either donuts with the leftover dough, or french toast with the bread.

I am wearing: Jeans, v-neck sweater that is a lot more comfy that cool, and brown t-shirt.  Wool socks of course.  It’s cold!  Didn’t I mention that?

Can’t Wait For: Energy.  I’ve been feeling very drained lately.  For no good reason in case you are wondering.

Current Read:  Still working my way through the Kristin Lavransdatter trilogy.   It’s good, I just haven’t been reading much lately. I go in stages.  Plus, I’m a little annoyed with both Kristin, and her husband.  Especially her bum of a  husband though.  Also, reading Pilgrims Progress for the first time since elementary school (so really for the first time).

I am hoping: to learn to be a better businesswoman/ salesperson.

Around the house: some new curtains going up.  A purchase of counter tile should happen this weekend.  If I’m lucky.  More on both soon (I hope).

Simple Pleasures:  L’s new habit of singing “I love ____”  over and over.  The first time it was pancakes.  Today we graduated to Daddy.  She’s a sweety.

Creativity:  should have some pics up soon of some of the stuff I’ve been working on.  Changing one of the purse patterns for the shop.  One purse has shown up from that endeavor, but I doubt it’s the final pattern even though I have gotten some good feedback about it.  Clothes and curtains for L.  Now working of filling some special orders including something like my 30th diaper bag.

Plans for the Weekend: Just realized purchasing tile was on my last update.  Who knew tile could be so elusive!

Family Update:  Our cat did come back.  He’s been driving me a little crazy lately actually.  But that hasn’t been a hard thing to lately to be honest.  Did I mention I need sunlight?  hehe

Lillian:  is so affectionate towards B.  It makes me so happy to see them hugging on each other.

Brendan:  is  a pretty good big brother.  Even helpful at times!  I can’t believe how big he’s getting.  Easier to take him places these days too.  Unless his Daddy keeps him up playing Xbox that is.  =P

Valentines Day:  was a good one this year.  Unexpected/undeserved  presents.  A  fun date (even though it didn’t quite meet our expectations).  Made Chad a yummy steak and potatoes meal too.

I finally have pics of a laptop bag!  My friend Lori bought me a cool pattern off of Etsy (for you sewers out there– definitely check out the other patterns on there too– I am tempted to buy a couple more right now!), so I made her a bag from a vintage dress she had.  I didn’t get any pics before sending it on.  Good thing I see her a lot.

THEN I made this cute bag for the shop out of Amy Butler decor weight fabric.  I think it  would benefit from a laptop inside, but here are some pics (thanks to Ginny for taking them!)

Laptop BagDSC_0164-1DSC_0165-1

It’s funny– I just realized I used the exact same fabric as pictured in the Etsy shop’s pictures linked above.  Well, I do have good taste I guess.  At least that gives you an idea of what my bag would look like with a laptop in it!


They’re having a sale at the Etsy shop where I bought little Alice!  Go check out all the super cute stuff!

P2120010-1I’ve been selling a few bibs, and consequently have run out of fabric for boy’s!  So, I’ve been browsing around on etsy and purchased these fabrics from Cotton Threads Fabrics.  Cotton Threads has a really great variety of beautiful designer fabrics!  Check it out!  Maybe you’ll find something that you would just LOVE to have made up into a bib, or a bag for that matter!

While you’re out there browsing: here’s a couple bonus shops for you.  Another group of really cool fabrics from MountainoftheDragon and HollandFabricHouse.  As I go through my girly fabrics I’ll be placing an order from one of those… hopefully soon. 🙂


I’ve been noticing just how many people are totally unfamiliar with Etsy since G and I started our shop.  It takes up so much of my time, so I obviously talk a lot about it. Half the people respond: “Etsy?”    I can hardly believe it, since I am totally obsessed with it these days!

So,  I figure I should do my part to enlighten people with the wonders of Etsy shopping.  One of a kind gift (decor for my house/something for my kid)?  Yes please!

Today I am starting my new series: Etsy Love!

Starting with the shop Magdalinen.  Run by two sisters (like us!) from Latvia.  If you are like me you have no clue where that is.  Check out their profile and find out! 😉  They make lovely necklaces from linen (which I’d never even heard of before!) with beautiful flowers on them.  So feminine and unique!  I want them all.  How about you?

About Me…

A stay-at-home mother of 3 trying to balance homeschooling, gardening, baking, and crafting besides all the day-to-day upkeep of house and family (and still keep my sanity).
I Took The Handmade Pledge!

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