Searching For Creativity

Archive for the ‘Friends’ Category

Some things worth remembering/mentioning about 2010.  In no particular order.

California– after wanting to go since I was probably 8 (when my Grandma started promising Disneyland), I finally went this summer.  Even better: I met one of my best friends there for some girl time!  First time west of Colorado!

I’ve tried out many new recipes this past year, but the one that stands out the most to me right now is the French Macaroons.  Probably because it’s something you see pretty pictures of all the time, and I’ve wanted to make for a while.  These were delicious!  Too bad I didn’t get any pics of the actual ones I made.  Borrowed this one from Martha. 🙂  As a side note– I’m now the proud owner of a signed copy of this year’s Holiday Cookie magazine thanks to my baby  brother Taylor and his girlfriend Dana (who’s sister is Martha’s assistant!).  These cookies are also a step forward in my quest to master the pastry (see my list of 100 things to do before I die).

Speaking of Baby Brother– he moved away to go to college in Macon, Georgia this past fall.  It’s sad to have him so far away, and that he’s sort of an adult now! 🙂

In the sewing department I’ve feel like I’ve made some fairly good headway this year.  Sewed many new things, including a few dresses for Lillian.  One of which caused me to tackle (and conquer!) my fear of sewing with Satin.  Now I’ll be all set for her prom dresses. lol.   Hopefully I’ll have some better pics to share of this soon!

Find out that Toney baby #3 was on his way was definitely a big deal!  We are eagerly awaiting his March 18 due date.  I’m hoping I can make it that long. 🙂

We had a rather exciting Christmas present this year!  My sweet new nephew, Jude!

Even though it didn’t change things much THIS year, it’s worth noting that my parents celebrated their 30th anniversary this year!  Not many people married when they are 18 make it so long, and I know it hasn’t always been easy.  What marriage is, really?  Congrats to them, and thanks for all your hard work! 🙂

Our family has grown in more ways than one this year!  In August we traveled to Wisconsin to see my brother, Nicholas, marry his beautiful wife, Staci.  Glad to have another female (and sister) in the Campbell family.  We need them. 🙂   She can also whip the guys butt in most games.

And on the Toney side we got a new brother when Chad’s sister Gretchen married her long-time boyfriend, Jeff.  It’s nice to have another “kid” at all the family functions.

This year we’ve been getting used to having an actual Kindergartner among us.  It was going a little better before we had to take a 3 week recess!

We started hard-core homeschooling this year, and I’m facing my fear of teaching Brendan how to read.  It’s actually going fairly smoothly… especially compared to teaching him to write neatly!!

Well, that’s a very quick look at the last year, but now it’s time to start looking ahead!  Next post, we’ll go for Goals for 2011!

I was just telling my sister-in-law today that this is the first Christmas (ever!) where the stress is actually getting to me a little bit.  Usually I’m the one that is shaking her head at the non-shoppers in my family.  Event the year I was about to give birth (2 years ago) I don’t remember feeling this stressed!  Maybe it’s because I’m not sleeping (it’s only 12:58 am right now!).

But still, there are plenty of things I’m loving about the holiday.  Even this year.

Real Trees

Good Friends

My Sugarplum

Stay tuned for more. 🙂

Lots of traveling these days, neglecting the blog.  I have been over at SistersLuvCrafts on Facebook a lot though.

Pics of us getting our tree.  The house is almost completely decorated now.

Heading to Oklahoma to see Grandma and Eva.  Update when I get back!

The legwarmers are pretty cool too.  Even if I do say so myself.  I made a special order for my friend Lori, so I thought I’d share the pics with ya’ll.  It’s the same hat and legwarmers that you can find separately in my etsy shop.  (a little advertisement here– if you like the brown hat I can make you some legwarmers to match! 🙂  She picked the yarn (lovin the color), I knitted it up, and then she and Caroline modeled for me.  Thanks you two!


I recently made a dress for my friend Morgan’s baby girl, Darcy.  It’s an Oliver + S pattern that is super cute: the Playdate Dress.  I’m really sad that I didn’t get one made for Lillian (since the one I did make kinda flopped).  I find it hard to get the yoke to work for the size that it says it is.  For Darcy I made the yoke, and tried it on her before attaching to the dress. It was too small, so I made the next size up.  That worked fine, except it was a little hard to attach to the dress.  It’s probably just because I’m not an expert sewer, but I find these designer patterns hard to read at times.  Anyway, check out how cute it turned out!  It helps that the model is beautiful of course.


Amazingly enough, I found the fabric at Joann’s.  I hardly ever find good clothing fabrics there.  This was great, because Morgan definitely prefers bright colors for her girls rather than your normal pastels.  I did sneak a little pastel in though. 🙂  For an extra homemade touch I added some embroidery to the yoke.  I haven’t done much embroidery lately, so it was sort of nice although time consuming!

I love the little puffy sleeves and there’s a cute dart in the front that you can sort of see in the pics.  Nice details in this pattern!

Miss you Morgan! =(

I finally have pics of a laptop bag!  My friend Lori bought me a cool pattern off of Etsy (for you sewers out there– definitely check out the other patterns on there too– I am tempted to buy a couple more right now!), so I made her a bag from a vintage dress she had.  I didn’t get any pics before sending it on.  Good thing I see her a lot.

THEN I made this cute bag for the shop out of Amy Butler decor weight fabric.  I think it  would benefit from a laptop inside, but here are some pics (thanks to Ginny for taking them!)

Laptop BagDSC_0164-1DSC_0165-1

It’s funny– I just realized I used the exact same fabric as pictured in the Etsy shop’s pictures linked above.  Well, I do have good taste I guess.  At least that gives you an idea of what my bag would look like with a laptop in it!

P1260006-1It’s not easy getting a group picture of 2 four year olds, a 19 month old, and a 9 month old!  I almost ended up with an extra 2 year old in there too!

Morgan and I took our kids to the Zona Rosa’s newish play area a couple days ago.  That place really needs gates.  I was chasing L out the entrances the entire time, and there are escalators within running distance!  Talk about stressful!  The kids had a really good time though.

P1260009-1The kids loved climbing on this little hut.  L got the idea from her brother to exit through the window.  Didn’t work too well for her.  “Momma! Momma! Momma!”P1260011-1

Afterwords we let the big kids play in the fountain outside (L wasn’t interested in getting wet– just running off.  Big surprise.), then we had a picnic!  The kids were pretty worn out after that.  We tried going over to Children’s Orchard, but L cried the whole time, and I think baby Darcy was ready for a nap too.  I was there long enough to realize– their stuff is WAY overpriced!  What’s the deal?



Just finished this purse as (slightly) lately birthday present for a good friend of mine that likes a lot of color! I’m really hoping she likes it, because I love it!  I’m going to give it to her tomorrow, so we’ll see!  It’s made from this awesome fabric that Ginny got a deal on through a fabric co-op.  It’s completely reversible, and should be really durable, because it’s actually home decor weight!

So, here’s wishing you a late Happy Birthday, Morgan!!!

My friend Lori has returned to the blogging world.  She is a really good writer (not just for blogs either).  Check it out.

DSC_0063Picture:  a little something I made for the Etsy shop.  (see link to the right)

Outside:A little frustrated with my garden.  Plants look great, but they aren’t producing!  argh.  I’m sure it’s lack of sunlight.

In My Kitchen:  Lots of good cooking going on this weekend in honor of guests.  My oldest friend, Eva, is coming into town in a few hours.  Have a good mixture of Mexican, Chinese, and American planned.  Maybe throw in some Italian.  I had plans to make homemade icecream.  Even bought the stuff.  Then I realized that my icecream maker is broken! *sigh*

I am wearing: It’s after lunchtime and I still haven’t dressed for the day.  Been cleaning and refereeing, and waiting for my chance to get some yoga in.  So, I’m wearing the t-shirt I slept i, flip flops,  and workout shorts. I’m super sore and tight from working out and running the last couple days.  I think I gained 5 lbs on vacation, so I’m really trying to get it back off!

Can’t Wait For:  To see my friends!  My friends from Thailand (they live there as Missionaries) came into town last night, and I’m just waiting to find out when I’ll get to see them.  Plus, other good friends will be in town from a couple hours away to see those friends.  Busy busy.  And we’re having a girl’s outing on Monday in honor of Morgan (the one that lives in Thailand).

Current Read: I just finished Brideshead Revisited.  Haven’t started anything new.  So much to do and so little time.

I am hoping: To get a lot more done in the next few hours.  I figured I’d better update this blog before the weekend, or it would be a terribly long time between posts.

Around the house:  Crafting stuff everywhere.  I need a studio.  Trying to whip things into shape otherwise.

Simple Pleasures: Little bitty barrettes in baby girl’s hair.  Sweet.  If I hadn’t misplaced my camera I’d have a pic of it by now!

Plans for the Weekend: Grilling out with friends, and lots of other stuff with friends.  I’m sure you can’t tell I’m excited.

Family Update: South Carolina trip went very well.  I’ve been exhausted this week, but I think it’s more because I’ve been so busy after getting used to having some lazy time!  Plus, I really didn’t feel very good for the last half (carsickness and migraines).  I think everyone that reads this blog has probably seen the pics on Facebook already.  All three of you.

About Me…

A stay-at-home mother of 3 trying to balance homeschooling, gardening, baking, and crafting besides all the day-to-day upkeep of house and family (and still keep my sanity).
I Took The Handmade Pledge!

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