Searching For Creativity

Archive for the ‘Home Decorating’ Category

We’re doing a little Spring cleaning around our house,  inspired by Simple Mom.  Unfortunately I only found the blog a few days ago, so we’re getting into the project a little behind.  We did manage to make some major headway on the playroom today though.


Sorry about how awful this pic is, I forgot to check the flash.  But, you get the idea. 

And After:

Made a lot more room in there, by taking the slide outside for the summer (even though I had to the destroy the “club” to do it, and Owen will apparently be very mad at me).  Threw out the makeshift coffee table.  Bought a few boxes for those bottom shelves, and actually brought toys from the bedroom to put into them– SO SICK of the messy bedroom.  Packed up toys for when Baby Arthur is ready to use them (lots of Little People) to make room for the “new” toys.   Filled up the hotwheels organizer, then Lillian emptied them back out before I could take the pic.

Probably should’ve taken before and after pics of the bedroom too, but that would have required actually finishing the bedroom.  With half a week for the whole project, and a 2-week-old, that was NOT happening.

I did find time to go through the kids clothes though.  Packed up a whole box of L’s winter and outgrown stuff.  B and Arthur only had a few things each, because I went through their stuff recently (and Arthur hasn’t been around long enough to grow out of too much stuff!).  Didn’t make for very impressive before and afters though.

Looking forward to painting and redoing the floors in the playroom VERY SOON.  Then we’ll have some more impressive after pics. 🙂

Outside:  Sunny and Cold.  More snow on the way supposedly.  I really haven’t minded being stuck inside though.

In My Kitchen:   Made some double chocolate chip cookie sandwiches (from the Sticky Gooey book of course)  over the weekend.  Delicious.  Found out that Kirkland (costco) vanilla icecream is creamy and delicious to go with.  Also, made a delicious mango upside-down cake this past week.  I didn’t have crystallized ginger, so I just used powdered.

I am wearing: A black knit dress, and a cardigan.  Not really comfortable in most pants right now (at 35 weeks pregnant and huge).

Can’t Wait For:  My baby boy to come!  Also, my good friend Morgan to come back to KC for  awhile!  Happening at about the same time too.

Current Read:  In January I finished the Hunger Games trilogy, which was enjoyable.   Now I’m reading Deadhouse Gates Book Two of the Malazan Book of the fallen, which I wish I was liking more than I am.

I am hoping: to have more energy tomorrow than I do today. 🙂  I have a lot to get done in the next month!!

Around the house:  Trying to get everything cleaned out, and ready for New Baby.  Chad has been getting my new laundry room ready too.  Still a ways to go unfortunately.  Wishing I wasn’t lugging laundry up and down two flights of stairs today.

Simple Pleasures:  voluntary kisses from the kids.  and Dr Pepper.

Creativity:  Finishing a quilt for L that I actually started before she was conceived– it’s long overdue.  Starting one for B.  It’s the one on the cover of this GREAT new book I just got.  Also, finishing knitting a hat for B… maybe he’ll get to use it a month before winter goes away.

Plans for the Weekend:  A date night, and hopefully celebrating two of my brother’s birthdays!  Hopefully that means that the one that lives out of town will be HERE.

Family Update:  The big kids moved into L’s room together.  So far so good!  That’s one reason I’m doing the quilts.  We’re going for a sort of nature theme.  A very loose theme it is too. 🙂  Trying to decide whether to change a couple walls (most of the room actually)  from bubblegum pink to green or light brown.  But that will happen after I’ve recovered from the baby a little anyway.

Lillian:  Walks around constantly in a princess dress or Tutu saying she’s a princess.  Although sometimes she is in disguise as a Halo Reach girl.  Goody.  Or a puppy that licks you.

Brendan:  Is doing well in homeschool.  He LOVES math.  I need a little motivation in the whole school area right now though.  Not exactly making it exciting, or even getting done everything I wish I were.


Posted on: June 8, 2009

Or, why I haven’t been blogging lately (one excuse).


We’re finally tearing up the kitchen!  This is the whole back half.  When that’s done (and the bathroom has to be ripped out too) we will be replacing everything but the appliances (which we already replaced), and the cabinets. We’ve even gotten the dark grey tiles for the floor waiting for us in the garage.  Hopefully more pics soon.

L’s Room

Posted on: May 7, 2009



I just realized I never blogged this update to L’s room.  For Christmas I got her these really cool floral/fairy alphebet cards and growth chart.  I saw these cards at Anthropology 2 or 3 years ago, and I’ve been wanting them.  So, L’s room gave me the perfect excuse. 🙂 I got them on Amazon, then I found the coordinating growth chart on clearance at a gift store.  Perfect!


Check out this new quiz I found to find your decorating style.  It basically nailed mine square on the head!  My results:

Your personal style is a mix of 3 specific styles:

Shiny Floor

Posted on: June 17, 2008

So, here’s what our kitchen looked like when we bought it. See that grody carpet? Not very well, but believe me, it was grody. So, I finally got fed up and made Chad pull it all up. Plus one layer of sticky tile. I was thinking that even if it was horrible tile underneath at least I can keep tile clean.

Here’s what it looks like after at least 6 hours of cleaning. Two of which were today. It looks ok now, but in two days the stickiness that I still haven’t gotten to budge will make it look horrible again. I know because that’s what happened to the part of the floor I had done of Friday. Plus, I cut myself on the side of the scraper where there’s a blade. Wah. Maybe we should just slap some cheap stuff one. Will I regret it when it makes us take longer to do the real remodel?

It was brought to my attention that I needed to post pics of the babies room. To be honest I’ve been putting it off, because I’m not quite happy with it. It’s just not done yet. But, I’ll just keep posting as it gets better I suppose. I doubt there will come a time when I think, “There, it’s done.”

Here’s Lillian peeping out of her crib. This is almost all hand-me-down stuff. Hence the blue and green. The new thing in the pic (besides the pink walls of course) is the cool bird painting which Ginny made from a tutorial from this blog (which happens to be one of my favs), and gave to me for Christmas. I think I want about 10 more. It’s of course made on Amy Butler fabric. But check out the store on that blog– I may have a new favorite fabric line.

And I couldn’t deprive you of this cutie. 🙂 She obviously doesn’t care that all her stuff is blue and green.

Here’s the corner with the rocker, which you’ve already seen. It also contains her messy changing table, and her collection of elephants. They sit in a baby rocker that was made for me when I was a little girl, and on a quilt that was made for me when I was a baby. Above the changing pad are a few of elephant and butterfly wall stickers. This rocking chair I got at a garage sale for $10 and it’s awesome btw.

Here is the room divider. A cast off from the living room. Stocked with toys, piggy banks, and books. Board books for now, and girly book I can’t wait to read to her when she’s a bit older. (Anyone else out there ever read the Elsie Dinsmore series?)

And here is the bigger part of the room. My craft area. Overflowing with projects: one of which is laying on the futon. A little teaser of things to come I guess. The little sewing desk (to little for my legs to fit in actually) is an antique (I saw it once in my favorite antique store down in Old Parkville) handed down to me by my G-ma. I painted it about 10 years ago, and it happens to go with the baby stuff very nicely. You can see that the two curtains don’t match. I haven’t gotten around to the second curtain yet. hehe. You can see the old version that I didn’t like there. Rug is from a garage sale last weekend. ($3–oh yeah). Basket of mending. Plastic storage dresser of scrapbooking stuff. The round things on the wall are embroidery hoops with Amy Butler fabric, which Ginny gave me for Christmas as well. Red chair needs to be painted to match the room. Probably just white. I think that’s about it. I’ll keep you updated as things progress!

I’ve been working on some sewing lately.  I finally finished up this pillow that I sewed the top for about a year ago, then I decided to make L a matching one for her little chair.  Amy Butler fabrics of course.  Now I’ve moved on to table runners to cover up the ugly little side tables in my living room that don’t even match.  Making do with what we have for now…

Advent Wreath

Here’s my first crack at making an advent wreath. We decided to go homemade last minute so I had to throw it together with stuff I had mainly (besides the candle holders I borrowed from G). You may remember these birds from last Christmas… I can’t seem to find a picture of that project though. It’s actually my first time to ever have an advent wreath. Starting new traditions this year.

Now here’s a pic of my retarded Christmas tree. I got it “free” with a small donation to help support wildlife preservation (it’s from the Shawnee Mission Park).


I wasn’t able to make it look much better, but I’ll post a pic up the finished product soon. If the dog will stop knocking off ornaments that is.

B’s room

B’s room is painted and unpacked now… it’s just missing some finishing touches like window dressings and a bed-skirt. It’s been a relief to have one place childproofed! We’re also slowly heading toward a nautical theme… as in medieval ships and St. Brendan the Navigator.

Can you believe how cold it got all of a sudden? I really don’t want to turn my heater on! Somehow I feel like I missed the transition from summer to fall.

And I keep forgetting to answer Kate’s question about do-it-yourself books. The closest thing that I have to recommend is The Virgin Homeowner: The Essential Guide to Owning, Maintaining, and Surviving Your Home. The author doesn’t really give a lot of DIY project information, but they do give a lot of helpful advice about what needs to be done to maintain everything. The only problem I have is that its a little bit outdated, and is written about her house on the East coast, which has differences I never realized.

More house pics to come…

About Me…

A stay-at-home mother of 3 trying to balance homeschooling, gardening, baking, and crafting besides all the day-to-day upkeep of house and family (and still keep my sanity).
I Took The Handmade Pledge!

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