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Archive for the ‘Felt’ Category


Posted on: April 28, 2007

Hopefully that’s even how you spell Stegasaurus. I’m way to tired to care enough to look it up. Here’s the last dinosaur! finished it today!


And here’s the group of ’em.  They’re all going to their eager birthday boy tomorrow at lunch!

The Group

Thanks to everyone for all the nice compliments in my short blogging experience! 🙂


Presenting Dino #2! I might just make the Saturday deadline! 🙂 This one went a little faster, except it seemed nearly impossible to stuff it completely.


Here we are at the park teaching Brendan to plant weeds. 🙂


B and I were lazy this morning and watched “Everyone’s Hero” as we snuggled in bed (and ate breakfast there– shhh, don’t tell Chad!). hehe   It was really cute!  Both of us liked it.  Getting us ready to spend half our summer at the ball field as usual.



Here’s the latest toy I’ve made from Toys to Sew. It’s supposed to be one of three for Brendan’s birthday next Sunday (the 29th), but considering how long this one took I’m starting to get doubtful. Especially with family probably staying here that weekend. If Brendan starts feeling better, then maybe there’s a chance. His fever has already really improved.  BTW the body of the dinosaur is actually red.  Not orange like the first picture makes it look.

One main reason it’s taking so long is that the book has really terrible instructions. You practically have to figure out how to do everything by yourself. I kind of thought this with the teaset, and my opinion was completed with the dino. To bad the toys are so cute!


And here is sick Brendan crying for the dino… I think it’s going to be a hit.

New Teaset

Posted on: April 13, 2007


Well, here’s the new tea set all complete and now sent off on it’s way. Not much difference in the pots… I think next time I’m going to adjust the pattern a little to work better for me. Made three new cup and saucer sets… the fourth is the same red one as before. I found some cool printed felt (the polka dots) at Hobby Lobby. Saved some time not needing to sew on buttons…


Here’s my first picture of B in his Easter outfit. Better ones to come when I pick up the one ones from my 35 mm that are being developed right now.  This little munchkin is going to be two at the end of the month.  Yikes!



And these two good-looking fellows are my youngest brothers.  The older, Nick (top pic), is graduating from high school this year and going off to college (*sob*).  At least the younger, Taylor, has a few years yet. 🙂

Bitty Booties

Just made some of Heather Bailey’s Bitty Booties for my cousins new baby boy. It’s such a cute pattern! I’m going to have to make more of these! Next time they’ll be better, and I’m definitely going to use thicker felt.

I’m working on a list of 6 weird things, because Ginny tagged me. I’m just so normal! 🙂 Even my weird things are the same as everyone else’s.


Posted on: January 12, 2007


This is my latest project… Stephen Lawhead’s new book “Hood”. I’m only a few chapters in, but I think it’s safe to say I’m hooked. 🙂 I’ve been reading Lawhead since Chad first introduced me to him when I was a senior in highschool. Though I wouldn’t say all his books are great, I definitely enjoy reading them. My favorite it most likely Taliesin… I even have a friend that named his dog that back when it first came out. 🙂 I would describe his books as historical fiction with some fantasy, which is a geat combination in my opinion.

While we are on the subject of books I thought I’d mention a cool Nursery Rhymes book that I bought for Brendan from Target. The illustrations are what’s great about it– the whole thing is embroidered and embossed.

Nursery Rhymes I think I could do a whole blog just on books, there are so many that I love. I’m actually reading at least 3 other books right now, but I think I’ll move on to other things…

As for my actual projects– here are two things that I completed yesterday:

Tea TowelsMorgan’s Stocking

The dishtowel I’ve been working on for a while off-and-on. It was one of two, and I’ve already been using the other one long enough to have a stain on it. That’s really depressing when you put so much time into it, but it’s like so many things that you do every day.

The stocking I made for my friend Morgan as a kind of going away present. The pink and green purse that I have pictured below is what I gave her for Christmas. She left today to go back to California and then Thailand in a couple of days. Not sure when I’ll get to see her again, which is really sad. I guess as you get older you appreciate your friends more, because making new friends seems so much harder.

Ginny’s Purse

Monday was Ginny’s birthday, and I was planning on having a purse for her. Instead I just had to give her the lovely fabric in the above picture. It’s one of Amy Butler’s of course. And I promised her that I would put an update about how far I’ve gotten. As you can see from the picture, not very. For some reason Brendan was really clingy today. I hope he is not getting sick! I also still need to buy some extra heavy interfacing before I can get much farther. I’ve already had to skip a couple steps. I’m waiting for this weekend, when I’ll finally have a Joanne’s coupons that’s good. Although when I went in to buy the other materials last night the cashier told me that they accept Michael’s and Hobby Lobby coupons too. I’m not sure if they just started it, but no one else has ever bothered to let me in on that little secret. I really like this cashier though. This is the second time she’s helped me, and she is definitely better than the rest that work there. I shouldn’t even start telling you about the last person that “helped” me, because that would be a long rant. 🙂

Anyway, I was busy all weekend, and tonight with friends from out of town. Can’t say that I regret not getting more done, because I hardly ever get to see them. In fact, it’s been a year for 3 of them. Morgan, baby Eliza, and Micah all live in Thailand, and come back once a year at most. Anna and Scott live in Moberly, Mo. and I see them about 3x a year. They are expecting in March! So, we’ve spent all the time we could with them.

Here are a couple other projects I’m working on… I’ll start back with them after Ginny’s purse is done:


These fabrics are all cut up and ready to be made into the “Decorative Patchwork Throw” from Amy Butler’s new book.


This is a little stocking ornament that is almost done. I actually ran out of embroidery floss. Obviously my first time with the blanket stitch. I’m planning on making several of them, but they take a little longer than I expected. Hopefully I get faster as I go.

I also have a scarf to finish up that was a Christmas gift to my father-in-law. I’ve never actually finished a knitting project before, so I’m kind of putting it off. I’m sure he’d appreciate getting it before Spring though…

I’ve got to get to bed!

cool fabric!

I’ve been admiring the fabric at Textile Arts for a long time (a few months anyway). Maybe someday I’ll get the stuff from them for a cool wall hanging.

Amy Butler Quilt

What’s not to like about Amy Butler fabrics? I’m hoping to make this quilt pretty soon, but right now I’m working on one from her new book In Stitches, which I just got for Christmas. I’m so excited about it!


I love to cook, and I’m always trying new things. This was my first time making ginger bread cookies. I need to work on the decorating part I think. My mom, sister-in-law Ginny, and I all got together to make cookies for gifts this Christmas, and this was just a small part of them.


A couple things I’ve been working on lately. I’ve been really loving crafting. I received a pair of those mittens (they’re ornaments made of felt) from Ginny for Christmas, then I stole the idea for gifts of my own. The purses I used an Amy Butler pattern for. The pink one as a gift and the paisley one for myself. I also made 3 more in different fabrics. They are really easy to make! I’m sorry about the poor picture quality, but I took these with my cell phone.

It’s been a really long weekend, that I might just blog about later. For now I’m exhausted, and I think I’ll hit the hay early! I’m planning to be showing my latest crafting projects, and maybe even cooking projects on this site, and I might even go on a couple of venting speels (I’m sure no one would enjoy that as much as me however). We’ll just see how it goes…

About Me…

A stay-at-home mother of 3 trying to balance homeschooling, gardening, baking, and crafting besides all the day-to-day upkeep of house and family (and still keep my sanity).
I Took The Handmade Pledge!

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